What are Power Emissions Certificates?
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PECs combine all attributes of EACs into one asset to provide clear ownership and a more accurate representation of carbon-free energy generation or storage discharge's environmental, community, and conservation benefits. Built on established EAC registries, PECs provide an additional data layer to enhance the usefulness of EACs. The underlying retired EACs allow PECs to align with the current Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) Scope 2 guidance while enhancing voluntary reporting. PECs represent:
Retired EAC: Every PEC is backed by a retired EAC in a local registry.
Carbon Impact: A historical estimate based on the time and location of CFE generation and marginal resource displaced on the grid, according to the data source methodology.
Hourly Timestamp: Comply with the EnergyTag Standard as a GC Issuer.
Additionality Indicators: Relevant project metadata and context are collected to help assess whether the PECs provide incremental climate benefit.
"We support “stamping” each megawatt-hour with its specific carbon impact rather than solely focusing on the hourly energy volume."
-The Emissions First Partnership
Organizations can source PECs with high carbon abatement potential, increasing their environmental impact and supporting the most effective clean energy projects. Whether an organization aims to maximize carbon impact, match deliverable CFE with the timing and location of their consumption on a 24/7 basis, a combination of these procurement strategies, or continue in traditional annual energy matching practices, PECs offer the detailed data and standardization needed to elevate corporate sustainability goals and distinguish actions with greater climate benefit.